Herefords are a native, hardy, rare breed and a single suckle herd. They extensively graze thus requiring very little additional concentrate feed. The farm likes to calve outside, weather permitting, as it is a much more hygenic environment for the new-borns. The grazing encompasses mountain grazing down to lush river valleys, which includes the house’s historic parkland.

The farm prides itself on their quality pedigree stock. This is enhanced by cutting edge breeding techniques. Quality bull semen is sourced internationally from top indexed bulls for artificial insemination. There is also a current exciting programme in place of embryo transfers. The embryos have been transferred into some of the farm’s Saler cows for the gestation. The reason for this is because Saler are a commercial cow and very hardy and they make very good, protective mothers. This means the Hereford cows are free to have their own calves.
We list below some of the impressive Bulls currently in the Nanhoron pedigree herd, if you wish to find out more about them please click on the link to the Hereford Cattle Society for the full pedigrees:-
Mawarra Mustang – sire to four of our young bulls
Normanton 1 Laertes
Coley 1 Ptolemy
Weybrook 1 Robert
Rosenkaer Messi 410M

Nanhoron 1 Dafydd (P) AI TF {DLF IEF HYF} UK702673 405979

Stock is always available for sale, please check our stock, or email the farm if interested.